Pc is running slow? Suggestions for you

Why pc slow? There are many things that can cause a slow computer, such as registry errors, a virus, spyware, lack of memory, or hard drive fragmentation.

The first thing you can do to energize your PC is to defragment the hard drive. In the maintenance of file systems, defragmentation is a process that reduces the amount of fragmentation. It does this by physically organizing the contents of the mass storage device used to store files into the smallest number of contiguous regions.

Pc is running slow, some of the best things you can do is simply removing unused and temporary files that you do not need and are not really that important. These files occupy too much space in the storage and can slow down your computer.

Virus and spyware can also be a factor to make your computer run slow. At the start up of your computer, most anti-virus units will do a scan. These scans are good and important, but they do take up a large chunk of your CPU capacity while the scan is ongoing.

Too many items installed as add-ons in browser are another key factor to slow IE browsing. You need to choose to disable these add-ons to make your computer run faster.

If you still trouble that pc is very slow, you can have a try, these methods is simple to manipulate. Good luck.

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Speed up computer, y..Do not worry about p.. ブログトップ
